Lewy baner

#Review of Comparative Law. Vol. 18

#Review of Comparative Law. Vol. 18

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ISSN: 0860-8156
Stron: 222
Format: A5
Rok wydania: 2013


,,Review of Comparative Law” to renomowane czasopismo naukowe, publikujące w języku angielskim artykuły autorów polskich i zagranicznych,  poświęcone dziedzinie nauk prawnych i prawa kanonicznego. Stanowi istotne źródło informacji i debaty dla naukowców, praktyków prawa oraz osób zainteresowanych zgłębianiem różnych systemów prawnych na całym świecie.



Letter from the Editors


Iwona Bień-Węgłowska, Rights of the accused after the initiation of proceedings in petty offences under Polish law

Magdalena Borowska, The phenomenon of forced marriage

Włodzimierz Broński, Deciding upon the form of contact with a child after parents' divorce by means of mediation in the Polish law

Małgorzata Gałązka, Preimplantation genetic diagnosis: between an offence and a health service. A comparative legal perspective

Marlena Jankowska, On the implications of the unalienability of the right of authorship for ghostwritting contracts

Anna Magdalena Kosińska, The role of the Fundamental Rights Agency in irregular migrants' rights protection

Katarzyna Mełgieś, Status and functioning of Veterinary inspection in Poland

Jerzy Nikołajew, The concept and classification of special missions under international law doctrine

Olena Shtefan, Injunctions in cases arising from author's legal relations: a comparative legal analysis

Paweł Sławicki, Protection of tenants in the Second Polish Republic on the basis of the provisions on premises rental in the code of obligations and particular acts

Piotr Sławicki, Defects of a declaration of will on the grounds of the code of obligations of 1933

Ulyana Vorobel, Legal procedural significance of arbitration awards in civil proceedings of Ukraine


Anna Bysiecka-Maciaszek, Katarzyna Miaskowska-Daszkiewicz, The European Integration Contest (Lublin, 13th April 2012)

Marlena Jankowska, Heather Bradshaw-Martin, Our digital Futures: Technologies without Boundaries BILETA 2013 Conference report

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