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Literary Liaisons: Text - Culture - Society

Literary Liaisons: Text - Culture - Society

21,00 zł
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red. Sławomir Wącior
Stron: 184
Format: B5
Rok wydania: 2009


Editor's Introduction

Anna Czyż Ar'n't I a Woman? - Various faces of traumatic womanhood in Harriet Jacobs 's Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
Łukasz Dębiec Religion, Interracial Communication and the American Dream in the works by Flannery O 'Connor and Ellen Douglas
Mateusz Liwiński Materializing the Digital in the Post-Singularity
Ewa Partyka Vampire - the Cultural Shapeshifter: Vampire Portrayals Shaped by Time, Medium and Place
Anita Pasik Going Back To The Roots: African-American Folklore in the Works by Alice Walker, Toni Morrison and Toni Cade Bambara
Aleksandra Piasecka From an Uninvolved Flaneur to a Lonely Prisoner: the Impressionistic Roots of Arthur Symons' Conception of a Poet and its Evolution
Kamil Rusiłowicz Written Testimony as a Means of Overcoming Class Alienation in Dorothy Allison 's Bastard out of Carolina
Agnieszka Trewicarz The Greatest Tragedies and Scandals in the Kennedy Clan
Michał Zwoliński The Peculiar Horror of Howard Phillips Lovecraft