Review of Comparative Law. Vol. 10-11
ISBN: 93-7363-769-6
Stron: 186
Format: A5
Rok wydania: 2008
,,Review of Comparative Law” to renomowane czasopismo naukowe, publikujące w języku angielskim artykuły autorów polskich i zagranicznych, poświęcone dziedzinie nauk prawnych i prawa kanonicznego. Stanowi istotne źródło informacji i debaty dla naukowców, praktyków prawa oraz osób zainteresowanych zgłębianiem różnych systemów prawnych na całym świecie.
Letter from the Editor
Roman Law and Polish Legal Culture. By Antoni Dębiński
The Search for the Rule of Law: Judicial Independence in the Former Soviet Republics of Central Asia. By Delaine R. Swenson
The Fight Against Terrorism and Air Security in the European Union. By Leocadia Diaz Romero
The Legal Basis for Possessing Temporal Goods by the Church. By Stanisław Dubiel
Access to Justice in Poland. By Marek Siudowski
The Family and the Economic Well - Being of the State. By Sławomir Hypś
An Analysis of the Development of Civil Mediation in the Courts of the United States. Katarzyna Antolak. By Katarzyna Antolak
Influence of Trade Mark Rights on Free Movement of Goods in the European Union: Parallel Imports. By Witold Stawiński
The Concept of Territoriality as A Principle of the International Trademark Law and Its Reflection in the Law of the United States. By. Monika Sylwia Ilenda
Kosovo Judicial Council. By Zait Xhemajli