The Poetics of Neobaroque Space
39,00 zł
Studies in Literature and Culture. Volume 21
Kamil Rusiłowicz
ISBN: 978-83-8061-886-2
Stron: 174
Format: 220 x 205 mm
Rok wydania: 2020
C o n t e n t s
Ac k nowl edgment s
Int rod u c t ion
Ch a p t e r 1: Bod i e s in Sp a c e
1.1 Spatial Ontologies of Neobaroque Culture
1.2 The Geometry of Sexual (In)Difference
Ch a p t e r 2: Me l a n c holy
2.1 Melancholy Systems
2.2 Melancholy Assemblages
2.3 Melancholy Ruins
Ch a p t e r 3: A r c h i t e c t u r e
3.1 The (Im)Possibility of Folding Architecture
3.2 Deterritorializing Bachelard
Con c lu s ion
Wor k s Ci t ed
In d e x
95 Przedmioty