#Review of Comparative Law. Vol. 24
ISSN: 0860-8156
Stron: 124
Format: A5
Rok wydania: 2016
,,Review of Comparative Law” to renomowane czasopismo naukowe, publikujące w języku angielskim artykuły autorów polskich i zagranicznych, poświęcone dziedzinie nauk prawnych i prawa kanonicznego. Stanowi istotne źródło informacji i debaty dla naukowców, praktyków prawa oraz osób zainteresowanych zgłębianiem różnych systemów prawnych na całym świecie.
Regular issue
Anna Jacek, Katarzyna Ożóg, Protection of patient rights by the Patient Rights Ombudsman
Agnieszka Żywicka, The legal implications of the implementation of the free movement of goods in the EU and the situation of the entrepreneur - the producer and the user of measuring instruments in Poland
Babanly Rasim, Perspective of sentencing guidelines implementation in continental law system
Grzegorz Wolak, Disinheritance on the Ground of an Offence against a Testator's Next of Kin (Article 1008(2) of the Civil Code)
Arkadiusz Miroslaw Czaja, A Selection of Issues Concerning Friday as the Day of Penance in the Aspect of Canon Law
Kamila Sobieraj, Piotr Zacharczuk, Protection of the Wolf in the International and European Union Legal Systems
Maria Aleksandra Wielgosz, Participation in the Process of European Integration as a Means of Cooperation of the Holy See with International Organisations
Kinga Hodór, Report of the Scientific Conference on 'Future of the Immigration and Asylum Policy of the European Union' Lublin, 11 March 2016
Basic editorial requirements for Authors