Lewy baner

Environmental Protection Within Industrial Investments Implementation in Poland

Environmental Protection Within Industrial Investments Implementation in Poland

30,00 zł

Editors: Maciej Rudnicki, Kamila Sobieraj
Stron: 180
Format: A5 (oprawa twarda)
Rok wydania: 2014



Maciej Rudnicki, Piotr Zacharczuk
Expiry of Licence for Seeking or Identifying Hydrocarbons Deposits

Maciej Rudnicki, Piotr Zacharczuk
Withdrawal or Limitation of the Scope of Licence Regarding Seeking (Search) or Identifying Hydrocarbons Deposits

Maciej Rudnicki, Rafał Szczepaniak
Liability for Damages Caused by Dangerous Industrial Equipment

Maciej Rudnicki, Kamila Sobieraj
Will New Legal Regulations Contribute to Implementation of CCS Demonstration Projects (Carbon Capture and Storage) in Poland with Regard to CO2 Storage?

Ewa Katarzyna Czech, Dariusz Ostrowiecki
Industrial Zone as an Instrument for Resolving Conflicts between Freedom of Economic Activity and Environmental Protection (Part I)

Ewa Katarzyna Czech, Dariusz Ostrowiecki
Industrial Zone as an Instrument for Resolving Conflicts between Freedom of Economic Activity and Environmental Protection (Part II)

Andrzej Wiesław Jasiński
Transition within the Approach towards Environmental Protection in Execution of Industrial Investments in Poland

Łukasz Gorywoda
Foreign Investments and Transnational Litigation Risk: the Legal Battle between Ecuador and Chevron

Arkadiusz Kamiński, Jolanta Chudzik, Paweł Koziczyński
Environment Friendly Investments in the Industrial Energetics Exemplified by PKN ORLEN S.A.'s CHP Plant

Kamila Sobieraj
Pursuing Effective Support Scheme for Renewable Energy Sources Projects within the Framework of Polish Law


42 Przedmioty