Terrorism and Criminal Law
Krzysztof Wiak
ISBN: 978-83-7702-376-1
Stron: 218
Format: B5 (oprawa twarda)
Rok wydania: 2012
Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations
Chapter I
The Notion of Terrorism
1. Terror
2. The History of Terrorism
3. The Typology of Terrorism
4. Defining Terrorism
4.1. The Main Contentious Issues
4.2. Academic Definitions
4.3. Legal Definitions
5. The Components of the Definition of Terrorism
5.1. Violence and Its Consequence
5.2. Objectives and Motivation
5.3. "The Innocent" as Victims of Attacks
5.4. Strategy and Tactics
6. Terrorism and National Liberation Struggle
7. Terrorism and Organized Crime
8. Terrorism and Political Crime
9. Terrorism and Legitimate Forms of Protest and Opposition
Chapter II
Terrorism in International Law
1. The Beginning of International Cooperation
2. Post-War Period
3. Sectoral Conventions
3.1. Air Terrorism
3.2. Maritime Terrorism
3.3. Attacks Against Internationally Protected Persons
3.4. Hostage-Taking
3.5. The Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities
3.6. The Significance of Sectoral Conventions
4. The New UN Strategy of Combating Terrorism
4.1. Activities of the General Assembly of the United Nations
4.2. The Work of the Ad Hoc Committee on Terrorism
4.2.1. Suppression of Terrorist Bombings
4.2.2. Combating the Financing of Terrorism
4.2.3. Prevention of Nuclear Terrorism
4.2.4. The Draft Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism
4.3. The Role of the UN Security Council
5. The Problem of Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court
6. Evolution of the Category of Terrorism per se as a Crime Under Customary International Law
Chapter III
The Approach of the Council of Europe and the European Union to Terrorism
1. International Cooperation through Regional Organizations
2. Regulations of the Council of Europe
2.1. Evolution of the Cooperation Model Based on the Obligation to Extradite the Perpetrator of a Terrorist Offence
2.2. Human Rights Standards as Limiting Factors in Combating Terrorism
2.3. A Comprehensive Strategy for Combating and Preventing Terrorist Offences
3. The European Union's Position on Terrorism
3.1. Evolution of the Institutional Foundations for Combating Terrorism
3.2. Terrorism Suppression Strategy Adopted in the European Union
4. Measures to suppress Terrorism Adopted in the Council Framework Decision of 13 June 2002 on Combating Terrorism
4.1. The Concept of Terrorist Offence
4.2. Offences Related to a Terrorist Group and Offences Related to Terrorism
4.3. Penal Law Consequences of Committing Crimes Defined in the Council Framework Decision of 13 June 2002
4.4. Implementation of the Provisions of the Framework Decision of 13 June 2002 in National Legislation
Chapter IV
Offence of a Terrorist Nature in Polish Penal Law
1. Terrorism against the Background of the Polish Penal Codification and Scientific Views of the 20th Century
2. Implementation of Obligations Ensuing from European Union Law in Polish Penal Law
3. Statutory Criteria of an Offence of a Terrorist Nature
3.1. List of Prohibited Acts that Meet the Criteria for Offences of a Terrorist Nature
3.2. Aspects of the Offence of a Terrorist Nature Regarding the Perpetrator
4. The Definition of an Offence of a Terrorist Nature, the Internal Coherence of Polish Penal Law and the Harmonization of Practices in the European Union Member States
Chapter V
The Measures of Suppressing and Preventing Offences of a Terrorist Nature in Polish Penal Law
1. The Penal Law Consequences of Committing an Offence of a Terrorist Nature
1.1. Extraordinary Aggravation of the Penalty
1.2. Admissibility of Probation
1.3. Institutions of Active Repentance and a Key Witness in Causa Sua
1.4. The Scope of Polish Penal Law
1.5. Liability of Collective Entities
2. Criminalization of "Pre-Terrorist" Acts
2.1. Preventing the Offences of a Terrorist Nature
2.2. Participation in an Organized Criminal Group or Association of a Terrorist Nature
2.3. Criminalization of the Financing of Terrorism
2.4. Offences Related to a Terrorist Activity
2.5. Failure to Report an Offence of a Terrorist Nature
3. The Circumstances Excluding Criminal Liability
3.1. Circumstances Eliminating Criminal Responsibility as a Means of Suppressing Terrorism
3.2. The Question of Admissibility of the Destruction of a Civil Aircraft Used as an Implement in a Terrorist Attack.
3.3. Legalization of Torture with a View to Preventing the Threat of a Terrorist Attack