One hundred years of theology at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
red. Sławomir Nowosad, Jacenty Mastej
ISBN: 978-83-8061-736-0
Stron: 290
Format: B5 (oprawa twarda)
Rok wydania: 2019
A Historical Outline of the Faculty of Theology 1918-2018
1. History
2. Academic Activity
3. Honoured by the Faculty of Theology
4. Deans of the Faculty of Theology
In the Service of the Faculty of Theology
1. Leadership of the Faculty of Theology
2. Faculty of Theology Council
2.1. Members
2.2. Remaining Members
2.3. Invited Persons
3. Employees of the Dean’s Office
3.1. Managers
3.2. Former Employees
3.3. Current Employees
Institute of Biblical Studies
1. Present Structure
2. History
3. Activity
Institute of Church History and Patrology
1. Current Structure
2. History
3. Department of Church History in Antiquity and the Middle Ages
3.1. History of the Department
3.2. Achievements of the Department
4. Department of Church History in the Early Modern Period and History of Theology
4.1. History of the Department
4.2. Activity of the Department
5. Department of Church History in the Late Modern Period and of Methodology and Auxiliary Sciences in Church History
of the 19th and 20th Centuries
5.1. Activity of the Department
6. Department of Greek and Latin Patrology
6.1. History of the Department
6.2. Achievements of the Department
Institute of Fundamental Theology
1. Current Structure
2. Outline History
3. Principal Research Trends
4. Most Important Publications
5. Organisational Achievements
6. National and International Cooperation
7. Doctoral Studies
Institute of Dogmatic Theology
1. Structure
2. History of the Institute
3. Department of History of Dogmas and Historical Theology
3.1. History
3.2. Activity
4. Department of Christology and Christian Personalism
4.1. History
4.2. Activity
5. Department of Pneumatology, Ecclesiology, and Mariology
5.1. History
5.2. Activity
5.3. Important Publications
6. Principal Fields of Research and Objectives of the Institute
Institute of Moral Theology
1. Current Structure
2. Outline History
3. Principal Research Trends
4. Most Important Publications
5. Organisational Achievements
6. National and International Collaboration
7. Doctoral Studies
Institute of Spiritual Theology
1. Current Structure
2. History
3. Structure
4. Activity
5. Major Publications
Institute of Liturgy and Homiletics
1. Current Structure
2. Genesis
3. Principal Tasks
4. Activity
4.1. Department of History of the Liturgy
4.2. Department of Homiletics
4.3. Department of Pastoral Liturgics
4.4. Department of Liturgical Theology
4.5. Institute of Pastoral-Liturgical Formation
5. Conferences
6. Periodicals, Publication Series, and Jubilee Books
7. Collaborations with Institutes Abroad
7.1. Liturgical Specialisation
7.2. Homiletic Specialisation
Institute of Pastoral Theology and Catechetics
1. Current Structure
2. Outline History
3. Principal Research Trends
3.1. Specialisation of Practical Theology
3.2. Specialisation of Catechetics
3.3. Specialisation of Family Ministry
3.4. Specialisation of Media Education
4. Important Conferences
4.1. Specialisation of Practical Theology
4.2. Specialisation of Catechetics
4.3. Specialisation of Family Ministry
4.4. Specialisation of Media Education
5. Important Publications
5.1. Specialisation of Practical Theology
5.2. Specialisation of Catechetics
5.3. Specialisation of Family Ministry
5.4. Specialisation of Media Education
6. International Collaborations
7. Accomplishments in Organisation and Implementation
8. Organisation of Doctoral Studies
8.1. Specialisation of Practical Theology
8.2. Specialisation for Catechetics
8.3. Specialisation for Family Ministry
8.4. Specialisation for Media Education
Ecumenical Institute
1. Current Structure
2. Historical Outline
3. Principal Research Trends
4. Latest Publications
5. Annals of Theology
6. Publication Series
7. Doctoral Studies
8. National and International Symposia, Conferences,and Academic Sessions
9. Research Projects and International Collaboration
10. Spiritual Ecumenism
Institute of Musicology
1. Current Structure
2. Outline History
3. Principal Areas of Research
4. Organisational Achievements
5. Publications
6. Instruments
Institute of Family Studies and Social Work
1. Current Structure
2. Establishment and Development
3. Principal Research Trends
4. Most Important Publications
5. Studies in the Institute
5.1. Family Studies
5.2. Social Work
Centre for Archives, Libraries, and Church Museums
1. History
2. Activity
3. “Archives, Libraries and Church Museums”
4. Particularly Important Book Publications
The Ucrainicum Centre for Eastern European Research
Student Council of the Faculty of Theology
1. Goals and Objectives
2. Activity
3. Government
Academic Circle of Theologians
1. History
2. Activity
3. Publications
Academic Circle of Musicology Students
Artistic Activities of Students of the Institute of Musicology
1. Institute Choir
2. Schola Gregoriana
3. Instrumental Groups
4. Vocal Groups
5. Entertainment Groups
Academic Circle of Family Studies Students
1. Goals and Objectives
2. Acheivements
3. Current Leadership
4. List of Curators
Academic Circle of Social Work Students
Student Section for Social Research
INoRiPS Students Circle for Social Research
Library of the Faculty of Theology
1. Difficult Beginnings
2. Post-War Period
3. Recent Activities
Library of the Institute of Musicology
Index of Names