The Grand Tour of John of Capistrano in Central and Eastern Europe (1451-1456)
Transfer of Ideas and Strategies of Communication in the Late Middle Ages
red.  Paweł Kras, James D. Mixson
ISBN: 978-83-8061-614-1
Stron: 382
Format: B5 (oprawa twarda)
Rok wydania: 2018
Letizia Pellegrini,
James D. Mixson,
I John of Capistrano: Preacher, Papal Diplomat and Promoter of Observance
Antonín Kalous,
John of Capistrano and Papal Policy
Ludovic Viallet,
Jean de Capistran et la promotion de l'Observance en Europe centre-orientale: un projet et ses limites
Giacomo Mariani,
Controversy over Observant Reform: Roberto da Lecce's Attacks and John of Capistrano's Letters
Ottó Gecser,
Sermon and Treatise in John of Capistrano
Gábor Klaniczay,
Disciplining Society through Dress: John of Capistrano, the "Bonfire of Vanities", and Sumptuary Law
Thomas Krzenck,
John of Capistrano as a Tireless Preacher in Leipzig
Hanna Zaremska,
John of Capistrano and the 1453 Trial of Wrocław Jews
Daniele Solvi,
The Lands of Europe as Reflected in John of Capistrano's Hagiography
Halina Manikowska,
John of Capistrano in the Account of Peter Eschenloer
Luca Pezzuto,
Images of John of Capistrano in Fifteenth-Century Europe
II John of Capistrano and his Correspondence
Frederik Felskau,
John of Capistrano and the Impact of His Grand Tour in Central Europe (1451-1456): Reflections on his Correspondence with German Authorities and Individuals
Pavel Soukup,
The Polemical Letters of John of Capistrano against the Hussites: Remarks on Their Transmission and Context
Maria Koczerska,
Correspondence between Cardinal Zbigniew Oleśnicki, Jan Długosz and John of Capistrano
Marcin Starzyński,
The Circulation of King Casimir IV Jagellon's Letter to John of Capistrano from 7 September 1451
Paweł Kras,
John of Capistrano and the Cracow Brethren
Anna Zajchowska-Bołtromiuk,
John of Capistrano's ars praedicandi: The Preaching of John of Capistrano in Light of His Wrocław Sermons and Polish-Silesian Epistolary
Marek Daniel Kowalski,
The Affair of the Gnojnicki Cousins and the Cracow Letters to John of Capistrano from April 1456
Lorenzo Turchi,
Beyond John of Capistrano: The Letters of James of the Marches
Przemysław Wiszewski,
Jakub Kostowski: In memoriam