Melancholia: The Disease of the Soul
red. Dariusz Skórczewski, Andrzej Wierciński
ISBN: 978-83-7702-990-9
Stron: 272
Format: A5
Rok wydania: 2014
Ashley D.C. Cake
A Loving Touch: The Problem of Melancholia and Subjective Coherence in the Age of Technological Reproduction
Dariusz Skórczewski
Melancholia of the "Borderland" Discourse: Why Poles Need Postcolonial Therapy (and Why Polish Literary Critics Need Postcolonial Theory)
Sean J. McGrath
Melancholy, Death, and the Longing for Being in Schelling's "Clara"
Edward Fiała
The Shadows of Mother Imago in Witold Gombrowicz's World
Miri Mahabad Kuttin
The Failure as a Hermeneutic Tool: One Common Interpretative Structure of the Freudian Hermeneutic Stance and of "Being and Time"
Dariusz Pac hocki
"I'm So Terribly Sorry for My Self". Melancholy in the Autobiographical Works of Edward Stachura
Francesca Brencio
"The Nocturnal Point of the Contraction". Hegel and Melancholia
Frank Chouraqui
Lonely as a Fish: Nietzsche on the Self as Metaphor
Rajiv Kaushik
The Problem of Memory in Proust: Signification and Time Regained
Adam Fitas
Karol Ludwik Koniński: Interweaving the Day and Night Rhythm of Life
Andrzej Wierciński
Melancholia, Depression, Sadness: The Disease of the Soul and the Imperative of the Care for the Soul