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#America scapes. Americans in/and their diverse sceneries

#America scapes. Americans in/and their diverse sceneries

20,00 zł

Studies in Literature and Culture. Volume 9

Ewelina Bańka, Mateusz Liwiński, Kamil Rusiłowicz
Stron: 374
Format: 220 x 205 mm
Rok wydania: 2013



Indigenous Landscapes

Continuance for all: land, culture, community - an indigenous American perspective
Simon J. Ortiz


Between the room and the outside: the folded landscapes of thought in Paul Auster's narratives of crisis
Robert Sikora

"Extended consciousness:" the landscape of dog-human relations in recent American dog memoirs
Małgorzata Rutkowska

"Why i have a wet footprint on top of my mind:" the world, the text, and the subject in Thomas Merton's The Geography of Lograire
Małgorzata Poks


Customers who bought this item also bought David Foster Wallace: literary production in the era of globalization
Zuzanna Ładyga

Spatial disruption as a tool of cultural critique in Maya Deren's Study in Choreography for Camera
Krystyna Mazur

"The frenzy of the visible - spectacular storytelling in contemporary Hollywood"
Paweł Frelik


Constructing nomadic identities - the role(s) of the border in Escandón's Esperanza's Box of Saints
Ewa Antoszek

Science fiction and the experience of exile in the works of Junot Díaz
Karolina Majkowska


Affective landscapes: theoretical reflections on the operation of the 9/11 memorial in New York city
Dorota Golańska

Spacelessness limited: translocation of spaces after the attacks of 9/11
Anna Porębska

Postmodern landscapes

Delineating Pynchon's timescapes: time and photography in Against The Day
Arkadiusz Misztal

Influences of media and consumerism on collective and individual perception in Don DeLillo's White Noise and writing of Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno and Jean Baudrillard
Agnieszka Puchalska

Postcards to America: landscape, mindscape and narrative devices in Don Delillo's Libra
Justyna Kociatkiewicz


From Cole's nature to Sheeler's factory or on the diminution of man in some american spaces
Tadeusz Rachwał

Re-emergences: the afterlife of american landscape imagery in 20th and 21st century art and visual culture
Filip Lipiński

Baroque spaces

Baroque landscapes: the spectacle of America
David R . Castillo

The sovereign, the martyr and the intriguer: baroque scene and political modernity in Robert Penn Warren's All The King's Men
Joseph Kuhn

Social/political spaces

Who's melting in the suburban pot? Diversity in the chicago suburbs
Karl Wood

Barack Obama's use of the feminine rhetorical style in connecting with diverse audiences
Amanda L. Henley and Robert Westerfelhaus

How to become famous in rural arkansas: the Duggar family's extreme makeover on 19 Kids And Counting
Justyna Włodarczyk


Between fordism and flexible accumulation: towards the chronotope of a post-industrial "Ghost Town"
Kamil Rusiłowicz

The struggle for the "right to the city" in Sarah Schulman's new york novels People In Trouble (1990) and Rat Bohemia (1995)
Aneta Dybska

Architectural spaces

A past merely imagined - gothic revival architecture in early 20th century united states
Olga Grądziel

To humanize architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright's concept of home in T.C. Boyle's The Women
Ewa Fiutka

Notes on Contributors

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