#Dixie Matters. New Perspectives on Southern Femininities and Masculinities
Studies in Literature and Culture. Volume 10
edited by Urszula Niewiadomska-Flis
ISBN: 978-83-7702-795-0
Stron: 224
Format: 220 x 205 mm
Rok wydania: 2013
Urszula Niewiadomska-Flis
Women in the domestic space of the segregated south
The Slave and the Mistress: Opposing Definitions of Womanhood in the Antebellum South
Youli Theodosiadou
Segregation and Civil Rights in the Domestic Sphere: the Mammy Image in Like One of the Family and The Help
Susana María Jiménez Placer
The Help: Southern Womanhood Revisited
Marie Liénard-Yeterian
Race and class through a gendered lens
Paving the Way for Change: The 1960s South in Shirley Ann Grau's "The First Day of School" and Joan Williams' "Spring is Now"
Gérald Préher
In the Circles of Dirt and Desire: the Jacobean spectacle of cruelty in Rebecca Gilman's The Glory of Living
Agnieszka Matysiak
Performing gender and sexuality
Southern Fictional Tomboys Destabilize Traditional Gender Roles and Dominant Notions of Whiteness
Constante González Groba
Between Permeability and Peculiarity: the Poetics of Gender in Jingling in the Wind by Elizabeth Madox Roberts
Gisèle Sigal
New perspectives on Gone with the wind
Hiding in Plain Sight: The Vanishing Male Figure in Gone With the Wind
Emmeline Gros
I Have (Not) Forgot Much, Cynara! Gone With the Wind as Global Sensibility
Beata Zawadka