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#Echoes of Utopia. Notions, Rhetoric, Poetics

#Echoes of Utopia. Notions, Rhetoric, Poetics

10,00 zł

Studies in Literature and Culture. Volume 6

edited by Barbara Klonowska, Zofia Kolbuszewska, Grzegorz Maziarczyk
Stron: 258
Format: 220 x 205 mm
Rok wydania: 2012




On some notions of break in utopia
Fabian Voegeli

Utopia in the English and American Revolutions
Mikkel Birk Jespersen

Medievalism, chivalry and Christianity&nbsp- reflections on a conservative utopia
Olga Grądziel

A Modern Utopia by H. G. Wells: between utopia and pragmatism
Eliane Campos

Civilizational context of the utopian discurse
Taissia Paniotova

A study of the attributes in Japanese anarchism: considering a notion of mutual aid of Osugi Sakae
Masaya Hiyazaki


Algernon Blackwood's The Centaur and the myth of the earthly paradise
Joanna Kokot

William Morris's News from Nowhere: political utopia set in Arcadian paradise
Grzegorz Zinkiewicz

Fomenting change: a look at the anarchistic influence of Edward Bellamy's utopian vision on Peter Kropotkin, Upton Sinclair and Jack London
Annette M. Magid

Utopia in the north: a Romantic Pole looks at Scotland
Wojciech Nowicki

Hope in Toni Morrison's writing for children
Pavla Veselá

Rhetoric of the body and space in Zamyatin's We
Kamilla Pawlikowska


'Seeking the refuge beyond the zones of power': Life and Times of Michael K. by John Maxwell Coetzee
Patrycja Wawrzyszak

Breaking the closure in dystopia: The Handmaid's Tale and The Telling
Burcu Kayıscı

Literature in dystopian society: a force of liberation or a tool of enslavement? Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 and Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go
Michał Palmowski

Revisiting the American Frontier: a reading of Paul Auster's Travels in the Scriptorium and Thomas Mullen's The Last Town on Earth
Jorge Bastos da Silva

Parallel dystopian visions in Wyndham Lewis's and Witkacy's selected literary works
Izabela Curyłło-Klag

Can 'no place' be defined as 'our place'? Australia as utopia in the writings of post-war Polish Migrants
Katarzyna Kwapisz Williams

Synecdoche, New York and the idea of utopia
Dominika Szwajewska

Notes on Contributors

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