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#Formal and Historical Approaches to Celtic Languages

#Formal and Historical Approaches to Celtic Languages

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Lublin Studies in Celtic Languages. Volume 7

red. Krzysztof Jaskuła
Stron: 278
Format: B5
Rok wydania: 2011


List of Contributors


Cormac Anderson
How English is Irish? The Typology of Irish Initial Consonant Clusters

Katarzyna Bednarska
Quantity Issues in Welsh

Vaclav Blazek
On the Lost Personal Pronoun of the 1st Person sg. in Celtic

Anna Bloch-Rozmej
Language-specific Interpretations of 'Headedness' in Irish and German

Maria Bloch-Trojnar
Derived Imperfectiva Tantum in Modern Irish

Anna Bondaruk
Non-Obligatory Control in Irish

Andrew Breeze
Two Celtic Toponyms: Segelocum and Hailes 

Michael Hornsby
'English to Strangers, Gaelic to Locals' the Thwarting of the Linguistic Subordination Norm among Speakers of Celtic Languages

Graham R. Isaac
What Are the Parameters for Postulating Genetic, Contact-based or Typological Explanations in Comparative Language Studies? Some Basic Theoretical Considerations

Krzysztof Jaskula
Compensatory Lengthenings in the Prehistory of Irish - how to Avoid Methodological Errors in Diachronic Investigations

Frederik Kortlandt
More on the Chronology of Celtic Sound Changes

Tatiana A. Mikhailova
Present/Preterit Verb Alternation in the Narrative System of Old Irish Sagas

Natalia O'Shea
Vestiges of IE Amphikinetic Presents in Celtic

Kevin J. Rottet
Conjunctive Pronouns in Modern Welsh: A Preliminary Corpus-based Study

Piotr Stalmaszczyk
Prepositional Constructions in the Goidelic Languages

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