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#Contradictions in Art. The Case of Postmodern Fiction

#Contradictions in Art. The Case of Postmodern Fiction

48,00 zł

Studies in Literature and Culture. Volume 13

Joanna Klara Teske
Stron: 338
Format: 220 x 205 mm
Rok wydania: 2016




Chapter One: Contradictions in art - the state of research
1.1 Contradiction-oriented theories of art and literature (Vygotsky, Caraher, Balcerzan)
1.2 Interpretations of contradiction offered by two approaches in literary studies: New Criticism and Marxist studies
1.3 Contradictions in narratology - classical and unnatural
1.4 Case studies of contradiction in various kinds of artefacts
1.5 Two anthologies of essays on literary contradictions: Literature and Contradiction and Intimate Conflict: Contradiction in Literary and Philosophical Discourse

Chapter Two: The cognitive theory of art
2.1 Art as a mode of cognition
2.2 The logical value of artistic statements

Chapter Three: The theory of contradiction in art
3.1 Contradictions in philosophy and logic (classical and paraconsistent)
3.2 Contemporary philosophers on contradiction in art
3.3. The colloquial notion of contradiction and its application in the studies of art
3.4 Various categories of artistic contradictions and their characteristics

Chapter Four: Artistic contradictions and their implications for scholarship
4.1 Contradictory interpretations
4.2 The interpretive principle of coherence and its justification
4.3 Artistic contradictions and the procedure of falsification


Chapter Five: Critical approaches to postmodernism and postmodern contradictions - a review
5.1. Classical studies of postmodernism and postmodern contradictions
5.2 Recent accounts of postmodernism and postmodern contradictions

Chapter Six: Contradictions in narrative fiction - House of leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
6.1 Narrative contradictions - some categories and distinctions
6.2 A typology of narrative contradictions based on art's three modes of expressing ideas
6.3 Narrative contradictions in the narrative structure

Chapter Seven: Contradictions in realist, modernist and postmodern fiction
7.1 Brief presentation of realism, modernism and postmodernism in the context of the cognitive theory of art
7.2 The realist, modernist and postmodern novels - analyses
7.3 A comparative study of contradiction in the three conventions

Chapter Eight: The uses of contradictions in fiction: structuralism vs. Jacques Derrida and deconstruction
8.1 Uses of contradiction in postmodern fiction
8.2 The epistemic significance of contradictions for deconstruction &amp Jacques Derrida
8.3 Implications of Derrida's view of contradictions for the structuralist treatment of artefacts and their cognitive potential

Chapter Nine: Contradictions in various thematic contexts
9.1 Albert Angelo by B. S. Johnson: contradictions and the truth of storytelling
9.2 Emotionally Weird: A Comic Novel by Kate Atkinson: contradictions and the realm of the imagination
9.3 The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman by Angela Carter: contradictions and critique of the social world
9.4 Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie: contradictions and history
9.5 Watt by Samuel Beckett: contradictions and the theme of God


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